
Education and training will lead to higher profits and happy customers. Thanks Craig for all the great training and F9 bible.

Chris Whiting
SoftWash Platoon Roof and Exterior Cleaning
I just made $800 bucks in 10 minutes because of the confidence your products gives me. With out F9 I probably wouldn’t have even brought up the rust removal. Thank you.

DJ Brock
This Groundskeeper is killing it man.... I’ve quit using degreaser all together. This stuff is nasty and man it cleans so good!  I’ve literally tried everything on the market.. nothing comes close!

Chris Kruppa
F9 groundskeeper is some amazing stuff.  30:1 dilution on this 2 year old driveway with the float coat still intact I am always worried about etching the concrete.

With groundskeeper i was able to use a 4020 softwash tip on the wand and finish the whole driveway and patio in 10 minutes of cleaning time...

This was just a maintenance clean for a residential customer and I sold her on the fact that you can risk damaging and etching your nice brand new driveway like your neighbours did because the home owner did it himself ( it was clean but it looked like shit).

We got 800 sq ft of concrete for $350, used 500 ml of groundskeeper and we were done in less then an hour with setup / filling buffer tank.

F9 products are no joke.   You don’t have to worry about it flash rusting surfaces, staining, etching, mild overspray on landscape, and it’s pleasant to work with for how powerful it is.

I am always skeptical with products as most just DO NOT WORK.  F9 blows my expectations out of the water every time.   Thanks for such a great product Craig Harrison.

Richie Frisson
On the Edge
Received your book and now I see what all the hype is about. Good job! Great read! And look forward to implementing your products and strategies for future restoration projects.

David Lee
Hello sir, firstly I finally placed my order and received my case of F9 as well as my F9 laminated cookbook. WHAT AN AMAZING PRODUCT! I dont see how anyone can question the amount of time and effort that you put into it.  F9 is phenominal. Thanks for putting out such great products!!

Curtis Stoltzfus
Thorowash LLC
So I was skeptical at $50 a gallon from a local supplier in So Cal. Never ran into rust this bad. I hit up Craig Harrison like many do and also the search bar like many get so irritated about. A simple screen shot of the instructions from Craig and the rest is cash in my pocket.. I am now a firm believer in his product. Mixed 2:1 (1 gallon BARC to 1/2 gallon water) literally used 3/4 of my mix. 2 applications. Wetted, broomed, light rinse. Money maker right here. 1.5 hours total and that's only because my blower took a shit while I was drying the driveway getting ready to apply the BARC ( yes you have to apply it dry).  I'm not picky about my pics, if you want to use them go ahead. The final pic is pre rinse and broom. I didn't want to wait around for it to dry again to take another pic.

Travis Hall
I went to your book, found the description flowchart, followed the directions and it came out great!  Best business investment I’ve ever made!

Rob Scott 
We keep our F9 Cookbook in the truck and the directions make it very easy for anyone to understand.

Chris Watson
WNC Pressure Washing and Roof Cleaning
We love our cook book!!

Jessica Murphy
Big Tex Pro Wash

The Best Concrete Rust Remover Reviews.